Both Invisalign and Lingual braces are good options for anyone with orthodontic problems who would want to restore their smile. The treatment can help straighten your teeth, but choosing the best option is paramount because it comes with both advantages and disadvantages. This article will give a detailed comparison between braces vs Invisalign.

Overview of Invisalign

Refers to the latest action on your teeth that uses a sequence of clear custom-made-to-order aligners that straighten your teeth. They are made of smooth, plastic materials that are visible at a glance. This implies that you are able to undergo treatment and still maintain your smile. The aligners can be removed whenever it is mealtime and also when it is time to brush. They are comfortable to wear because the material used to make them causes minimal irritation. Appearance builds one’s self-esteem because it’s very healthy, and the perception you have upon looking into the mirror is important.

Overview of Lingual Braces

Lingual braces appear like metal wires and are fixed at the back of your teeth. Their visibility is limited if one is very keen. The braces apply lenient yet constant pressure on the teeth to assist them in sticking into their desired positions. With the braces fixed, it becomes difficult to give a speech during the first few weeks, for they are very close to the tongue. It also becomes a challenge to eat when these braces are adjusted. The front teeth are free from damage because they sit at the tongue surface of the teeth.

Aesthetic Considerations

Aligners in Invasilign take the natural color of the teeth, making them a helpful solution for orthodontics corrections; at the same time, Lingual braces are more appealing because they do not change the overall appearance of the teeth.

Comfort and Daily Experience

Aligners are expected to be worn for 20-22 hours per day, which is a commitment that challenges most people. Removing and fixing them to affect brushing and even during meals is also a difficult time for individuals. The replacement of the aligners from one set to another poses a feeling of discomfort, although it’s the only way that one is assured of a successful operation. However, in the first days of being in the aligners, talking becomes a problem, for words do not come out easily, which later improves over time.

Furthermore, at the beginning of the treatment, sores are seen as teeth start to shift. This condition diminishes after a few days. In addition, individuals find it difficult to maintain oral hygiene by brushing their teeth regularly, which can result in gum diseases.
Lingual braces are fixed with metallic wires facing the tongue, which gives an uncomfortable feeling in the mouth. The tongue touching the brackets can result in the development of painful sores.
Brushing becomes difficult because the wires are held in the inner part of the teeth, which the toothbrush is unable to access, and the chances of getting dental cavities are top-notch. Braces hinder one from taking all sorts of foods, for they react with the material used to make them and can still destroy them.

Treatment Efficiency and Effectiveness

Invisalign aligners are temporary, making it easy to clear the remains of food from the mouth by brushing, which makes it possible to deal with gum diseases. The case is different when it comes to Lingual braces, for you must use special flossing apparatus such as Wet-Pik to clear the mess in the mouth.

The Orthodontics treatment time for Invisalign ranges between 8-12 months for an individual who wears them for atleast 20 hours in a day. Scientists have discovered that teenagers are prone to taking less time for orthodontic treatment than adults. They argue that teenage teeth are easily movable and respond faster to treatment. Braces take 18-24 months to achieve excellent results.

Cost Comparison

Invisalign treatment is relatively cheaper than braces. Although this is the case, our Orthodontist in Richmond is responsible for quoting the exact cost of treatment. The price can be affected by several factors:

  • The amount of work to be done on your teeth. If the work is more, a higher pay is demanded and vice versa.
  • Braces request special attention and care, which one cannot do by oneself, which is the case with aligners, and where specialization is required, more money is needed.
  • Brace specialists are few because the practice is very sensitive, and affording one dictates high payments.
  • Purchasing the braces requires a lot of money because the material used to make the braces is of higher quality than that used to make Aligners.
  • The special gadgets used to brush the teeth while in braces are very expensive, increasing the overall cost.

Pros and Cons Summary

Pros of Invisalign

  • Invisalign does not restrict you from eating any diet because you can remove them before eating.
  • Brushing the teeth is possible because the aligners are movable; hence, it is easy to maintain oral hygiene.
  • The Orthodontics treatment time is short; hence, results are achieved first.
  • They are only if you have appointments you are required to have with an orthodontist because it’s easier for you to fix them without the contest of a specialist.
  • The aligners are soft and smooth; hence, they are more comfortable than braces.

Cons of Invisalign

  • The 20-22 hours rule per day is very engaging, and only some can achieve this by failing.
  • Invisalign only handles non-complex problems associated with teeth.
    Pros of Lingual braces
  • The invisibility of the braces enables one to hide his identity as someone who is going through Orthodontics treatment.
  • The fact that braces are worn through the treatment without thinking of removing them promises that the teeth are continually being straightened. Furthermore, there is no fear of losing them because professionals in Orthodontics in Houston Heights tightly fix them.
  • Braces are able to treat even the most complicated teeth, including overcrowded teeth and those that do not bite together.
  • One is able to witness the transformation of their teeth during the process because the wires and the brackets do not hide the teeth.

Cons of Lingual braces

  • Handling braces requires clinicians who are expensive to hire.
  • Getting used to braces takes a longer time because the space in the mouth is small, and when the braces come into contact with the tongue, pain is felt.
  • People who are not able to brush their teeth well after meals and, more especially, have foods that are highly acidic and sugary are consumed; the areas that were in contact with braces remain brown or white after the braces are eliminated.

In conclusion, deciding on what to use for treatment with either Invisalign or Lingual depends on factors like complexity, cost, comfort, and commitments associated with each method. Schedule your appointments with Elara Orthodontics or make a call for a consultation with our well-trained orthodontists, who will help you restore your smile.
