Are you considering Improve Smile with Orthodontics? Modern-day diets and lifestyles have resulted in more people developing dental issues over time, with many asking themselves if they can get perfect teeth with braces. This article delves into orthodontics, including early orthodontics for children, to find out why and how to have a good smile with braces. Perfect teeth give you a radiant smile, and there is no doubt that you can have perfect teeth after braces have been used to correct your dental layout. An excellent dental facility such as Elara Orthodontics in Richmond Texas can help you down the path of getting perfect teeth after braces.

What is orthodontic treatment?

Orthodontic treatment is a method of straightening or moving your teeth to improve the appearance of the teeth in the mouth and how they work. Braces are a popular form of orthodontic treatment that gradually straightens your teeth over some time and realigns your jaw. Braces use a system of wires, bands, and brackets to exert constant pressure on your teeth to move them over a while. As this pressure is being exerted over an extended period, the shape of your jaw will also change to assume the desired alignment, and this answers the common question can braces widen your smile?

See also: Orthodontic cost in Richmond, TX

Benefits of braces

The benefits of braces are effective at achieving various dental outcomes. Some of these benefits include;

fix uneven smile smile

Can braces fix your smile? Braces can fix uneven smile by straightening the teeth. Crooked teeth make many people insecure about their smiles, and this is why many patients seek appointments with dentists to find out how to get a better smile with braces. Traditional braces and clear aligners are among the most effective options to straighten out the teeth, thus improving your smile. Having a straight smile has been shown to motivate people to smile more, which is a confident booster.

Correct a bite that is uneven

Orthodontics is mainly applied to correct crooked teeth. However, general dentists also use them to help patients with severe over or under-bites. Both types of these bites can cause an uneven smile, lowering one’s confidence.After treatment one can train how to get a better smile before a crowd.

Improving oral health

Orthodontics has proven effective when it comes to improving overall oral health. Many people assume that orthodontics is only used to straighten crooked teeth. However, they are also improving individuals’ oral and dental health. Crooked teeth offer the perfect breeding grounds for bacteria because they have more hard-to-reach surfaces that food can get trapped in. Over time, the build-up of these foods will give bacteria optimal conditions to multiply, resulting in infection. When braces are administered, the teeth are straightened, getting rid of these hard-to-reach spaces and reducing the chance of dental infections.

Confidence booster

Crooked teeth usually make people feel conscious about showing their teeth in social situations. However, visiting a general dentist to straighten out the teeth using braces can help bring back their confidence.They will have learnt on how to smile with braces and avoid tension while talking to people.

Why should I consider having orthodontic treatment?

Many people in contemporary times have crooked or crowded teeth. Orthodontic treatment will help the teeth to straighten and move them to a better position. This can make your teeth easier to clean and improve how your teeth bite together. In some cases, people have front teeth that stick out. These teeth are more likely to be damaged over time, but orthodontic treatment can help them get back into place when teeth do not meet correctly. This can apply a lot of strain on the muscles that line the jaw and cause joint problems and even headaches in some cases. Orthodontic treatment can give you an even bite and reduce the strain on these muscles.

See also: Best Teeth Alignment Types

Do I Need Braces?

The process of getting braces can be time-consuming and expensive, and inconvenient for you and your child. It is, however, essential to keep in mind that dental braces have a high rate of success and will give you numerous dental benefits apart from giving you perfect teeth. Braces are, in most cases, prescribed during childhood or the early stages of adolescents as it is the best age for braces. Over time, however, more adults are seeking orthodontic services to give them perfect teeth. Some of the signs that you need braces include;

  • Your teeth are visibly crooked or crowded.
  • You have difficulty flossing and brushing the areas of your mouth that have crooked teeth.
  • You frequently bite your tongue or cut your tongue on your teeth during meals or conversations.
  • Your teeth do not close over each other properly when your mouth is resting.
  • You experience some difficulty when trying to pronounce certain sounds due to your tongue’s position under your teeth.
  • Your jaws click or make some noises when you chew or when you wake up
  • You experience fatigue on your jawline after chewing food

How to tell if your young one needs braces

It will be more challenging to discover whether your child needs braces. In general, however, if a child has milk teeth that are crooked or crowded, this can be a credible indicator that they will need early orthodontics for children in the future. Other signs that your young one may need braces include;

  • They breathe mainly through the mouth
  • Their jaws click or make some sounds
  • Your child is prone to accidentally biting their tongue or the side of their cheeks.
  • Thumb sucking or prolonged use of pacifiers past the age of two
  • Early or late loss of milk teeth
  • Your young one may have teeth that do not come together even when the mouth is completely shut.
  • Their teeth are crooked or crowded

When to see a dentist

Dentists worldwide agree that children should have an appointment with orthodontics in their early years, usually no later than age seven as it is the best age for braces. The logic behind this is that when the need for braces is identified earlier on, better outcomes can be gotten from early treatment. The best age for getting braces will vary from person to person, but treatment mostly begins between 9 and 14, when children get their permanent teeth.

However, you are never too old to ask yourself if do I need braces,get braces to give you perfect teeth. You can schedule a visit to a general dentist when you are ready to begin your treatment. However, it is essential to remember that your jaw continues to grow as you age, which can increase the narrowing or crowding of your teeth. The sooner you see a professional to correct your teeth, the better.

The Process of Getting Braces

Step #1: The consultation

Before your first official appointment, you may have a consultation with your orthodontist. It would help at this stage if you brought along any x-rays from your dentist. The orthodontist will evaluate your teeth during the consultation and offer treatment recommendations based on their evaluation.

Step #2: Before treatment

Before the procedure can begin, you should go to a credible dentist such as Elara Orthodontics in Richmond texas. This visit aims to have your teeth professionally cleaned in preparation for the procedure. Your orthodontist may recommend taking care of issues such as periodontal problems or tooth extractions before the braces are put on.

Step #3: Your first session

You’ll get x-rays of your mouth at this stage, including of individual teeth. Spacers may be inserted between teeth to prepare your mouth for braces if the spacing between your teeth is too tight. Whether you get customized or traditional braces, the next step towards your quest of getting perfect teeth is to make an accurate mold. The orthodontist will take an impression of your teeth by making you bite down on a soft impression material or taking digital scans of your mouth.

Step#4: Getting your braces

It is essential to remember to brush your teeth or floss before getting your braces. For most patients, the procedure of getting braces is generally painless. Your appointment may last for about two hours. Your orthodontist will begin by inserting a device to keep your mouth dry and tongue in place throughout the procedure. The next step will involve applying an etchant to make the tooth surface suitable for bonding. The braces will then be placed on your teeth using a unique adhesive to hold them in place.
A curing light will be used to set the bond and harden the adhesive. Lastly, the professional will run the archwire through the braces and hold it in place using ligature bands marking the end of the procedure.

Step# 5: Follow-up appointments

Once your braces are in place, you will have your first follow-up appointment after about 4 to 8 weeks. Your orthodontist will evaluate your progress during this session and change the old bands for a new set. This can offer you the opportunity to change their color if you want. If you have been feeling discomfort, discuss it during this session, and they will suggest a solution to relieve your discomfort.

Step #6: Your last appointment

Your treatment is complete, and you are about to see your new set of perfect teeth with braces. The process of removing your braces is not complicated. The brackets will come off easily and only leave behind a tiny trace of the bonding material, which will be polished off. You may need a retainer to help your teeth adapt to their new position.

Types of braces

The type of braces that your orthodontist will recommend will largely depend on your age, whether you have an over or underbite, and crooked teeth. Braces are usually custom-made as no mouth is identical to another. Classic braces are standard for most people and are made of metal brackets that are manually guided and glued to each of your teeth. They employ an archwire to pressure your jawline and teeth, and elastic O-rings connect the brackets with the archwire. The archwire is adjusted periodically as, over time, your teeth move into the desired position necessitating the elastic bands to be switched out during orthodontist appointments. Other types of braces that can be used include;

  • Ceramic braces. They are also called clear braces because they are less visible.
  • Lingual braces; They are placed behind your teeth
  • Invisible braces; they can be taken off and returned throughout the day at your convenience.

What are mini-braces

Mini braces are smaller than traditional braces, and they do not go around individual teeth, meaning they take up less space in your mouth. Some orthodontists claim that mini braces may speed up your treatment time if you qualify to get them. To find out if you are a suitable candidate, you should speak with a qualified orthodontist.

How fast do braces work?

Treatment lengths will vary from person depending on many variables. However, many people typically wear braces for one to three years. If you follow carefully the instructions given to you by your orthodontist, it will enable you to wear the braces for the shortest amount of time possible.You can also start practicing on how to get the perfect smile after the period.

Maintaining braces

After you start using braces as a treatment option, you will need to avoid certain foods that have a high risk of getting trapped between your braces and gum line. Some of these foods include;

  • Hard candy
  • Popcorn
  • Chewing gum

When you have braces, your teeth are more susceptible to trap foods that can cause tooth decay. Therefore, you should watch how you consume sugary products and starchy foods that can erode your enamel. You may also need to visit an orthodontist every 8 to 10 weeks for checks and replace O-rings when the need arises.

Damon braces vs. Traditional Braces

Traditional braces use a system comprising brackets and wires to straighten teeth. They depend on elastic ties to fasten the wire onto the bracket. They must therefore be continuously adjusted to continue moving the teeth. These tightening appointments can be painful and can increase treatment times. They are also very conspicuous and can be uncomfortable for patients.

On the other hand, Damson braces have a self-ligating bracket design that opens and closes. These brackets secure the archwire and eliminate the need for elastic bands. The teeth also become more flexible to movement when Damson braces are used since the brackets are free to slide along the archwire. Therefore the debate between Damon braces vs. Traditional Braces is clear to decide, with the Damson braces being the clear winner.


Can braces fix your smile? It should be a question that comes to mind because visiting our offices at Elara Orthodontics in Richmond texas will leave you satisfied with braces that will fix your dental problems and give you perfect teeth. Contact us today!

See also: Clear Braces vs. Invisalign
