For some reason, people experience different dental disorders some of which causes are known while other causes are still folded. This misery raises concern and has given physicians and other health practitioners sleepless nights. One of the most common dental conditions that affect most people globally is bruxism. It is estimated that thirty to forty million Americans suffer from this dental disorder. Perhaps you might be asking yourself, what is bruxism definition? What causes bruxism? What are the treatments for bruxism? The answers to these puzzling questions are simple. Bruxism is a condition in which you unconsciously grind your teeth.

It occurs in two different ways. To begin with, sleep bruxism occurs during sleep and is caused by sleep-related activities associated with arousals during sleep. Individuals with this kind of bruxism are more likely to suffer from other sleep disorders like sleep apnea and snoring. On the other hand, awake bruxism occurs when one is awake. It is caused by emotions such as anxiety, stress, anger, and frustration just to name a few. These two (sleep bruxism and awake bruxism) are the main causes of bruxism.

Another contributing cause of bruxism is malocclusion. This term refers to misaligned teeth and in most cases, it is inherited. It not only causes abnormal bite patterns but also teeth overcrowding. Some of the causes of malocclusion include:

  • Tumors of the jaw and mouth.
  • Abnormally shaped teeth, loose teeth, extra or impacted teeth.
  • Misaligned jaw fractures. This may be brought about after an injury.
  • Childhood habits like tongue-thrusting, prolonged use of a bottle, and thumb sucking.
  • Ill-fittings such as braces, crowns, or retainers.
    It is characterized by mouth breathing, abnormality in face appearance, speech difficulties, open bite, discomfort when biting, and misalignment of the teeth.

Continuous gnashing over time may cause the teeth to become loose, break or even shift their alignment. This is where orthodontists introduce bruxism and braces. Severe clenching not only damages teeth and results in teeth loss but also affects the jaws and worsens the pain. This condition is characterized by:

  • Sleep disruptions.
  • Increased tooth sensitivity.
  • Pain that feels like an earache.
  • A locked jaw that doesn’t open or closes fully.
  • Dull headache starting in the temples.
  • Flattened teeth that are fractured.
  • Indentations on the tongue.
  • Tired jaw muscles.
  • Worn tooth enamel.

Besides the symptoms, other factors increase the risk of bruxism. Such risk factors are:

  • Family member with bruxism. If one person in the history of the family has bruxism, then it can be inherited.
  • Stress. Not only can increased frustration and anger cause this condition, but also increased anxiety and stress.
  • Personality. Being a competitive, hyperactive, or aggressive person can increase your chances of bruxism.
  • Age. It mostly affects young children and disappears as they become adults.
  • Poor health habits. You are more likely to suffer from this condition if you drink or smoke alcoholic beverages in excess. To some extent, drinking too much caffeinated beverages is also another risk factor.
  • Other mental and medical health disorders. Orthodontists have associated this condition with epilepsy, esophageal reflux disorder, ADHD, Parkinson’s disease, night terrors, and dementia.

This condition doesn’t amount to serious complications. However, in severe cases, it may lead to tension-type headaches, complications in the temporomandibular joints, and damage to your teeth.

Worry not! The best orthodontist in Richmond Texas has a solution to this nightmare. Orthodontists can manage this condition before it reaches its authoritarian state. Different orthodontists apply different treatments for bruxism. The only way to know about us is to inquire about treatments for bruxism near and you will be guided to us at Elara Orthodontics. For quality services in the management of your bruxism, visit the best orthodontist in Richmond Texas.

Bruxism treatments in Richmond Texas

Since this condition doesn’t have serious complications, it may seem easy to manage. However, this is not the case. Those suffering from its severe effects of it require special treatment skills and care. For this reason, the bruxism treatment in Richmond Texas takes you under their wings to help you in living a healthy life. Some of the solutions to bruxism treatment in Richmond Texas are:

Dental approach

The use of braces to treat bruxism

As a beginning point in the treatments for bruxism, dentists may recommend care techniques to curb this condition. One of the causes of bruxism is misaligned teeth. For this reason, bruxism and braces go hand-in-hand which is why orthodontists recommend the use of braces to treat bruxism. Specialists use bruxism and braces. Braces can be used in safeguarding the teeth from the effects of bruxism.

These devices can shift your lower or upper teeth into a more optimal position, allowing them to come together. Braces help in teeth alignment and bruxism treatment. This not only helps in easing the acute jaw tension but also helps in the prevention of tooth damage. For non-reversible worn teeth, you need to have a permanent crown that is suited to offer protection of their own. The use of crowns is one of the ways used in the treatments for bruxism in Richmond Texas. In addition to protection, they give you a more efficient bite. To enjoy your smile, braces are a way of treatments for bruxism.

Use of night guards

One of ways for the treatment for bruxism is the use of night guards. These guards are also referred to as mouth guards, bite splints, dental guards, and nocturnal bite plates. They act as a barrier between your teeth.

When you gnash your teeth, the dental guards help in giving cushion to the jaw muscles and lighten the tension. In addition, they help in protecting the enamel of your teeth. Furthermore, they help in the prevention of jaw and face pain. These protective guards come in different types namely:

  • Hard mouth guard. This can be used in severe cases of clenching. They are durable and extremely and are made of acrylic. They are by far offering the longest warranty and prevent the teeth from shifting.
  • Soft bite splints. They are not for severe but for the mild treatment of bruxism. They are not only the most adaptable but also the most comfortable of the entire night guard family.
  • Dual laminate dental guard. These are mostly for moderate bruxism and are hard on the outside but soft on the inside. They last longer and take care of heavy gnashing.
    Mouth guards also help in teeth alignment and bruxism management. Search the internet for bruxism specialist near me and grab your mouth guard without delay.

Corrective surgery

Surgery is one of the ways used in the correction of damages suffered due to gnashing of the teeth. Although it is not regarded as a way of treatment for bruxism, it can be used for those patients suffering from temporomandibular joints (TMJ). In some cases, surgery is one of the ways of teeth alignment and bruxism management mechanism. In case one is gnashing their teeth due to misalignment, crowns, prostheses or inlays may be used as a way of correcting the bite alignment. Surgery for bruxism is done only when it has caused extensive tooth loss or tooth wear. To return that smile to your face and restore the function of your teeth, surgical treatment for bruxism is very crucial. The best surgical ‘bruxism specialist near me’ has the best equipment for performing this task.

Below are several types of surgeries for bruxism.
  • Dental implants. If clenching has amounted to tooth loss, dental implants can be used. A surgeon inserts posts in your gums. After healing, he/she then uses a crown in places where one tooth is missing. Consequently, bridges are used where multiple teeth are missing.
  • Crowns. This is made and crafted from metal and takes after the teeth. It is placed on top of the dental implant or the damaged teeth. It is also used in the restoration of function and appearance.
  • Root canal. It is done by the removal of the diseased pulp from the teeth. Before the remaining tooth is filled and sealed, it is carefully cleaned. This helps in the restoration of the damaged tooth.

Dental implants, crowns, and root canals are some treatments for bruxism. To get the best surgical treatment for bruxism, you can look for treatments for bruxism near me at Elara Orthodontics.

Malocclusion, being one of the causes of bruxism, can be treated through surgical reshaping to shorten the jaw, repair of irregular teeth, removing one/more teeth, and use of braces. This misalignment can also use braces to treat bruxism.


Muscle relaxants

Muscle relaxants are useful in the relaxation of facial muscles and jaw muscles that are overworked from TMJ and bruxism. They give a feeling of relief from symptoms of bruxism in the face and jaw such as jaw joint locking, and facial and jaw pain. Relaxing the muscles can help decrease the signs of this condition. The tension caused in the muscles from bruxism is likely to lead to more serious side effects. Some of the side effects are headache, cracked teeth, temporomandibular joint dysfunction, and earaches. By minimizing tension, muscle relaxants reduce the chances of experiencing any of the signs of bruxism. Some of the commonly prescribed bruxism medications for the treatment of bruxism in Richmond Texas are:

  • Benzodiazepines.
  • Cyclobenzaprine.
  • Valium (Diazepam)
    The orthodontists will guide and prescribe the above medication for you on the treatments for bruxism in Richmond Texas. Or you can inquire about bruxism specialist near me at Elara Orthodontics.

Medication for stress and anxiety

To deal with stress and live a healthy life, the best orthodontist in Richmond Texas has some approaches to help you in the management of stress and anxiety. Some of the strategies include:

  • Practicing the techniques such as relaxation techniques. Some of the related techniques include tai chi, deep breathing, exercise, and yoga. These will help in reducing the tension and setting the muscles free. It also enables you to keep away from the symptoms of bruxism. Specialists employ this method in the treatments for bruxism in Richmond Texas.
  • Enhancing your ability to handle difficult situations. For instance, you can learn to control your reactions and improve your emotional awareness.
  • Botox injection. This is the leading known brand of Botulinum toxin injections. For the treatment purpose, a small amount is injected into the muscle which is in charge of moving the jaw. This muscle is also responsible for chewing (masseter). Since this dose works by relaxing the muscles, it helps in reducing the gnashing and doing away with any accompanying tension.

Alternative Approaches to treat bruxism

Apart from medication and dental approaches in the treatment of bruxism, there are also other approaches. Such may include:

  • Behavior change. This is one of the ways to treatments of bruxism. Behavioral change as treatments for bruxism, increase the patient’s awareness of the behavior to be changed or reversed. In this case, gnashing, clenching, or grinding of the teeth. The best way to achieve this is through displaying accurate information about mandibular resting, self-monitoring, and the habit itself. This consists of putting the tip of the tongue on the palate making sure the teeth are kept apart in addition to relaxing the muscles. A combination of these interrupts the habit by incompatible movements with teeth gnashing. This amounts to the separation of arches and the relation of the muscles. If you are suffering from bruxism this approach is employed in the treatments for bruxism in Richmond Texas.
  • Biofeedback. This is a mind-body therapy aimed at improving mental and physical health. A biofeedback therapist is likely to help you in practicing the relaxation exercise. Among the relaxation exercises includes guided imagery. For this, you concentrate on a specific image to focus the mind and put you in a position where you feel more relaxed. In addition, progressive relaxation helps in the alternative relaxation and tightening of different muscles. Furthermore, mindfulness meditation is vital in focusing your thoughts.

All of these help in relaxing the muscles thereby reducing the pain caused during grinding of the teeth. To get the best approaches for the management of bruxism, you can visit bruxism treatment in Richmond Texas. The best way to get quality services is make inquiry about treatments for bruxism near me and you are likely to be guided to us at Elara Orthodontics.

If you are in Texas or its environs and wondering where to get the best treatment for bruxism, you can make an inquiry for treatments for bruxism near me at Elara Orthodontics. Feel free to contact Elara orthodontics and you will learn how to manage your bruxism. Discussed above are some of the treatments for bruxism.
