Braces have become a common orthodontic treatment used by Elara Orthodontics in Richmond Texas, to correct and straighten misaligned teeth. With time, these wire and metal braces will move the teeth into a position that aligns with the shape of your face and the size of your jaw.
After getting the braces installed, it may take a few weeks to several years before you can take them off. Taking off braces allows you to experience a feeling never experienced before. However, the only person who can make this call is your orthodontist.

If you’re wondering what braces removal near me entails, read on for answers to popular questions.

Does Getting Your Braces Off Hurt?

Anyone who has lived with braces for more than a couple of months will want some answers before having them removed. One question that we encounter regularly is, ‘does getting your braces off hurt?’

The reality is that it varies. Many people don’t feel any pain when receiving braces removal in Richmond services. On the other hand, a majority of dental work includes some level of discomfort,
You can, therefore, expect to experience some soreness during the braces removal process. Soreness occurs when the pressure accumulated in your teeth gets released. Your teeth will likely develop some sensitivity as nothing is holding them in place.

We recommend using over-the-counter pain medication to manage the pain and soreness.

Braces Removal Cost – How Much Does Lingual Braces Removal Cost

Trying to obtain braces removal in Houston services can prove expensive if you don’t have insurance. The same holds for situations where the insurance policy doesn’t cover all the associated costs.

Fortunately, if you have managed to make it this far, all that’s left is to visit Orthodontics near me. After removal, it’s now upon you to ensure you take proper care of your new smile. The lingual braces removal costs will depend on two main factors:

  • Number of teeth you wanted to move
  • Type of braces installed by the orthodontist

Nonetheless, the braces removal cost can range from under $100 to several hundred dollars. Your dental insurance coverage will influence the amount you’ll end up paying. Elara Orthodontics may also provide some discounts to help lower the removal costs.

Can I Take My Own Braces Off?

While it’s tempting to try to remove the braces at home, it’s best to let a professional do it for you. The braces removal cost near me mentioned earlier shouldn’t scare you into removing them at home.

The Orthodontics near me has the proper tools required for a safe removal. Remember that most of these pieces are sharp. Trying to remove them on your own may cause you to injure yourself.

Additionally, if you are wondering, ‘can I take my own braces off’ you should know that some people have gotten injured attempting to do so. Others have ended up ingesting some of the pieces after breaking the orthodontics. Such incidents can result in medical emergencies.

What Happens on Your Final Visit to An Orthodontics Near Me?

Your past visits to orthodontists probably involved a simple band change. Others may have involved adding or removing specific brackets. Now that it’s time to remove them, the braces removal near me services may appear a bit different.

The braces removal in Richmond professional will begin by X-raying your teeth. They will also X-ray the jaw to confirm that your teeth have become properly aligned. If something is wrong, you may need to schedule an appointment for a minor adjustment.

During the visit, the braces removal in Houston technician may hand you an impression material tray. They will need you to bite hard into it to allow them to get a better idea of the impact made by the braces.

We may also need to examine the jaw and shape of your face. Before commencing the braces removal process, the last thing we will do is to ensure you know how to care for your teeth. Our technicians will want to know that you can care for them at home.

When Do Braces Get Removed?

Dental treatment varies from one person to the next. Most people generally wear braces for 12-to 72 months. Ensuring you observe the instructions we give you can reduce the treatment period. Observing these instructions involves taking proper care of your braces.

How Long Does It Take to Remove Braces?

A single appointment will be enough when it comes to taking off braces. That’s enough time for the orthodontist to remove the wires and brackets in your braces. But it’s important to note that the duration may vary from patient to patient.

The braces removal process can take anywhere between thirty minutes and two hours.

How to Prepare for Braces Removal in Houston

When it comes to preparation, there’s not much to do. We, however, recommend taking over-the-counter pain killers if you’re sensitive to dental work. Try to take the painkillers a few hours before you show up for your appointment.

You may also want to clean your braces and brush your teeth beforehand. It will make the process much faster now that you already know the braces removal cost near me.

A Step by Step Guide on braces removal in Richmond

Your orthodontist will need to examine the X-ray images to check if they are okay. If everything turns out fine, they will now start the removal process.

Step One: Walkthrough and a Thorough Exam

The first step involves undergoing a thorough examination. Please note that this only applies where the orthodontist hasn’t performed one yet. At this point, we are assuming they have taken some images and determined it’s okay to proceed.

Your orthodontist will take a few minutes to conduct an up-close examination of your teeth and gums. The first step allows them to check what’s happening below your gum line. What they find during this examination will determine whether to proceed or wait a few more weeks.

Step Two: Removal of the Band, Wire, and Bracket

We can use three ways to remove the brackets from the wires. Please note that we will only do this after confirming that everything checks out in your mouth and teeth. The methods we use in removing brackets include:

  • Wire Cutters/Pliers: It’s by far the most popular method used by orthodontists to remove braces. The orthodontist will start by removing the bands present in the bracket. They will then target the wire relied upon to align your teeth. We will use a pair of pliers to pry them loose before using our hands to apply pressure. Applying pressure will force the bracket to break off at your gum line.
  • Rubber Bands: Here, we will take an elastic band and place it around the bracket. Once it’s in place, we will start pulling it back without applying too much force. The rubber bands assist in breaking any remaining bands. They can also loosen the bonds between your teeth and the bracket.
  • Cotton Rolls: Our technicians may recommend this option to people who frown at the thought of using wire cutters and pliers. Cotton rolls are slower than the other two methods above. On the other hand, patients prefer them because they aren’t intrusive. Your dentist will need to use cotton balls to remove the brackets without damaging your tooth enamel.

By the end of this step, we will have succeeded in removing all the brackets, wires, and bands. Nevertheless, you’re likely to feel the presence of some rough spots in the places once occupied by the brackets. Rough spots mean you may have leftover cement on the enamel.

Step 3: Removing the Adhesive/Cement

An orthodontist may use a drill to try and remove any leftover adhesive or cement. It’s a step that applies to patients experiencing some roughness on their teeth. The orthodontist may also elect to leave it in place to avoid getting too close to the enamel.

Please don’t attempt to remove the cement/adhesive at home, regardless of how bothersome it is. Such an attempt may cause major damage to your recently aligned teeth. The best option is to reach out to an orthodontist in Houston.

Step 4: Retainer Fitting

Now that we have finished removing the braces, it’s time to think about how to maintain your teeth. While at it, you’ll also need to learn how to maintain the bite alignment you have gotten, thanks to the braces.

All this means that you need to get fitted for a retainer. The fitting for a retainer should happen as immediately after removing the braces. It’s the only way to ensure that all these hard-earned changes won’t get reversed.
The teeth will start to move as they wish after the removal of your braces. Failure to have a retainer fitted could cause you to lose your new and improved smile. It explains the urgency to have the retainer fitted.

You may need to make a few visits to the orthodontist to ensure you get the best fit. We may have to take a few molds before finding the best one for you. A few adjustments may follow to guarantee a perfect fit.

Make sure you wear the retainer as instructed. Typical instructions involve wearing it round the clock except when eating or sleeping. Our orthodontist may also provide some exceptions to this case. Depending on your case, you may only need to wear them at night when sleeping.

Step 5: It’s Time to Show Off Your New, Beautiful Smile

Once the retainer is fitted, it’s now time to show off that new and improved smile. Remember to floss and brush your teeth every day. You deserve to have a beautiful, bright smile after all the work you have gone through to get it.

How to Care for Teeth After Getting Braces Off

Apart from caring for the retainer as we have instructed, you also need to care for teeth after getting braces off. Proper care will ensure they will remain healthy for years to come. It also prevents the reversal of the gains made over the last couple of years.

Two things are likely to happen, depending on your teeth:

  1. You may feel as though there are trapped food particles between them
  2. The teeth may become sensitive

Brushing and flossing your teeth regularly will prevent plaque buildup. When left alone, plaque will cause cavities to start forming. Caring for your teeth after having the braces removed requires you to remember to:

  • Eat a balanced diet. Such a diet will not contain sugary food items and sweets that can cause tooth decay.
  • Brush at least two times each day – in the morning and evening before turning in for the night.
  • Drink plenty of water. Water is crucial for your general well-being. It also ensures your teeth remain clean and healthy.
  • Floss after meals and before you sleep each night.
  • Avoid using straws. Straws can exert unnecessary pressure on newly aligned teeth. Remember, your gums are still sensitive. It’s better to take smaller sips.
  • Use a toothbrush with soft nylon bristles. Nylon-bristled brushes are more sensitive to your gums than hard-bristled ones.
  • Employ the proper teeth brushing techniques. Remember to move your toothbrush in circular motions and to use an angled head. Cover every part of your mouth as you move from the tongues towards the teeth at the back.

You’re likely to notice some yellowing in the spaces once occupied by the braces. Inquire from the orthodontist or dentist whether you can have your teeth whitened. It may take a few weeks before you can get the go-ahead to whiten them.

Additional Oral Aftercare Tips

Removing your braces will make it easier to clean and care for your gums and teeth. Consider using mouthwash to reduce any yellowing or discoloration brought about by the braces.
If you notice some soreness in your teeth, try to avoid hard or sticky food items. During the first few days, you might want to steer clear of:

  • Raw vegetables
  • Hard bread
  • Hard candies
  • Popcorn

Puffiness will typically resolve within sixty days after the removal of your braces.

Final Thoughts

Any person who has braces in their mouth will usually look forward to having them removed. As described earlier, this process is pretty much straightforward. Although it’s not painful, you may experience some discomfort.

Ensure you follow the oral aftercare instructions given to you by your orthodontist. Call ((713) 360-0587)Elara Orthodontics in Richmond, Texas, today to schedule a consultation and learn more about braces.
