While it’s common for a child’s adult teeth to grow crooked or need correction, there are certain habits that could exacerbate the problem or cause further complications in their teeth, affecting their oral health. When considering orthodontics for children, keep in mind these six everyday habits that can affect your child’s smile.

Brushing Too Hard

While we always encourage kids to be enthusiastic about their dental hygiene, it’s possible to be a little overzealous. Brushing too hard can wear down the enamel of your child’s teeth and irritate their gums. This leads to further problems such as more sensitive teeth and greater risks for cavities to form. A good way to solve this is by encouraging them to use a soft-bristled or electric toothbrush.

Using the Wrong Materials

There is simply no substitute for proper dental hygiene products. The most common example of using the wrong material is when you get something stuck in your teeth and try to remove it using tools like a toothpick instead of floss. Toothpicks and other materials not meant for your teeth can be damaging to your gums and teeth.

Clenching or Grinding Teeth

Constant teeth grinding or jaw clenching are other everyday habits that can affect your child’s smile, even if they’re not aware they’re doing it. Such grinding or constant tension can cause damage like fractures, headaches, or jaw pain. Habits of grinding teeth or clenching jaws often occur while a person is sleeping, so you may want to check the next time your child is asleep.

Gnawing on Hard Objects

Biting nails, chewing on pens, or even crunching ice can be very hard on your teeth. Not only can it create cracks or splinter your teeth, but habitually chewing on foreign objects can introduce a whole host of bacteria in your child’s mouth, causing infections.

Sugary Drinks in Excess

Drinks like soda or sports drinks can be a favorite amongst children, but moderation is incredibly important. These beverages have an incredible amount of acid and sugar within them that can be very damaging to teeth, eroding them over time. Practicing good habits of moderation will allow your kid to enjoy their favorite drinks without placing their teeth at risk.

Avoiding Regular Dental Care

Lastly, don’t put off regular dental care. We understand that visits to dental professionals can be nerve-racking, but regular check-ups allow you to keep an eye on your child’s progress and condition so that you can catch problems before they become bigger. Furthermore, as your child’s teeth develop, dentists can recommend new courses of action as needed.
