Lingual Braces Cost

The cost is between $4000 – $12000 depending on the treatment you need. You should contact Elara orthodontics for an evaluation, and lingual braces cost estimate in Richmond Texas. The Lingual braces cost will depend on your insurance and dental benefits.

What are Lingual Braces?

Lingual braces are a type of orthodontic treatment that corrects the alignment of your teeth. These braces are placed inside your upper and lower teeth to straighten them. They also help correct crossbites and forward crowding when the upper and lower front teeth do not touch. Lingual braces can be used alone or in combination with other braces.

Lingual braces have different shapes, depending on which part of your mouth they are placed in. Some lingual braces are curved like a horseshoe shape, and others are flat against the gum line.

Most lingual braces have a small piece of metal called an anchor that holds them in place. The anchor is usually made of stainless steel, but some lingual braces have anchors made of plastic.

Who is. Candidate for Lingual Braces?

Lingual braces are an effective way to straighten the teeth. However, a tiny percentage of people may be candidates for this type of orthodontic treatment.

If you have an overbite or crossbite, you may be a candidate for lingual braces for an overbite. The following are some general guidelines when deciding if you should consider lingual braces:

  • You have previously tried other orthodontic treatment methods and have not gotten the desired results.
  • You have suffered from TMJ (temporomandibular joint) pain and would like to avoid that in the future.
  • You’re concerned about your bite because it’s causing discomfort, headaches, or TMJ problems.
  • Your bite appears correct on an X-ray, but it’s not quite right on the surface (front view).
  • Adjacent tooth alignment issues
  • Undesirable gaps in the teeth
  • If you have an overbite, you should consider lingual braces for overbite

Advantages of Lingual Braces

They are less noticeable

Lingual braces are worn on the upper teeth and resemble a mouth guard. This makes them less conspicuous than traditional braces. The only time you may notice them is when you smile or when you talk with your mouth open or close.

Easier to speak

The lingual braces do not require removal for meals and eating. The orthodontist will adjust the fit of your brace as needed to ensure that it does not interfere with speech.

Compatible with Invisalign

Compatibility is one of the advantages of lingual braces. This means that it’s possible to straighten the teeth without having to remove any. It also means that you can wear braces behind your teeth while wearing aligners simultaneously, which adds more convenience for patients.

Higher success rate

The percentage of patients with a successful treatment outcome is higher with lingual braces. The braces are easier to use, increasing the chances of success. The procedure requires a few appointments and follow-ups to get your teeth straightened.

No gum irritation or suction

When you wear lingual braces, your tongue is not hanging out of your mouth as it would be with traditional braces. Therefore, there are no concerns about gum irritation or suction when wearing lingual braces.

Protection of teeth and gum line

The teeth and the gum line get protection because the wire stays under the gum line. It does not go beyond it into the space between teeth. This helps prevent any damage to these essential areas during treatment and after treatment has been completed.

Disadvantages of Lingual Braces

There are a few disadvantages of lingual braces:

The metal contact surface can damage the mouth’s soft tissues, which may cause bleeding or bruising in this area. You should avoid biting down on complex objects such as pencils or pens.

They can be uncomfortable for some people because they restrict chewing and biting movements.

The metal wires may irritate your gums or cause tooth decay. If you do not brush after eating sugary foods or beverages such as sports drinks or sugar-sweetened beverages.

You may not be able to eat certain foods until after your treatment is over because of interference with the wires.

Lingual braces are not hygienic because they are not removable. They can cause damage to the teeth, gums, and tongue. They also cause pain in the treatment area.

Most insurance companies do not cover them. You will have to foot the lingual braces cost.

Gums and lips may feel sore or tender after wearing lingual braces for a few days. This is normal and will go away as your gums heal.

Lingual braces cost more than traditional braces because they require more visits. Keep that in mind as you search for braces cost near me.

lingual Braces vs. Traditional Braces

lingual braces vs traditional braces are differentiation between the contemporary and older methods of teeth realignment. Lingual braces are an orthodontic appliance worn on the outside of the upper and lower teeth. While traditional braces are metal wires that go around the teeth to help straighten them.

Both types of braces require regular visits to a dentist or orthodontist, but there are some differences between them:

Braces behind your teeth attach directly to the inside of your upper and lower front teeth. Traditional braces attach directly to your upper and lower back teeth. Lingual braces may have more room for growth than traditional braces because they’re less restrictive than traditional brackets.

In addition, lingual brackets can be made more flexible than traditional ones and allow for more movement during treatment than traditional brackets.

See also:

Are Lingual Braces More Expensive?

Lingual braces cost more than other types of braces. Lingual braces are also more durable than other braces and can last several years. In addition, braces behind your teeth are less likely to cause pain or discomfort than other braces.

Lingual braces cost more expensive because they must be custom-made for each patient to fit appropriately. The doctor will take measurements and create a treatment plan based on your individual needs and preferences.

This includes determining how many teeth you want to move at once and whether you wish to move just one or many at once. It helps to determine the cost of braces in Houston.

Linguistic Braces Price

Lingual braces price is different from other orthodontic appliances. Several factors determine the Lingual braces cost:

The type of bracket and archwire you choose. Archwires can be made from different materials and come in different sizes. The larger the archwire, the more expensive it will be. This drives up the cost of braces in Richmond Texas.

The number of teeth you have treated at one time will affect your rate. It takes more time to treat each tooth than it does for one tooth.

The type of bracket you choose. Brackets are available in many different types and styles, including metal or ceramic brackets. Some people prefer plastic or ceramic brackets because they offer more comfort but are more expensive than metal brackets.

Your location can also impact your rate. Some dental practices offer lower lingual braces cost for patients who live in less populated areas. It helps to determine the cost of braces in Houston.

Are Lingual Braces as Effective as Traditional Braces?

Lingual braces are more effective than traditional braces they use special orthodontic brackets designed to fit your mouth. The brackets are placed in the back of your upper teeth, where they do not interfere with your speech.

Lingual braces are also easier to maintain than traditional braces because they only cover up one tooth at a time. You can brush your teeth and floss without worrying about brushing around or under the brackets.

Are Lingual Braces Covered by Insurance?

Most insurance plans do not cover lingual braces cost. However, they may be considered an orthodontic service under your dental plan if you have a pre-existing condition. This explains the high cost of braces in Richmond Texas.

You might want to call your insurance company and see if they offer coverage for these types of braces. Ask if lingual braces cost cover is on offer.

lingual Braces Pros and Cons

Here are some of the lingual braces pros and cons:


  • They are comfortable to wear all day long.
  • Greater control over how your teeth move in your mouth.
  • Easier to maintain than fixed braces, so they are more comfortable to wear.


  • Lingual braces cost more than conventional braces. Factor in the piece as you look for braces cost near me.
  • It may be harder to use than other types of orthodontic appliances.

Lingual Braces vs Invisalign

lingual braces vs Invisalign is a comparison between the teeth straightening techniques. Lingual braces are a type of orthodontic appliance that is placed behind the teeth. In contrast, Invisalign is a clear plastic aligner that is placed directly on top of the teeth.

Linger braces and Invisalign are used to correct crooked or crowded teeth problems. However, they differ in their method of correction and materials used.

The braces behind your teeth use clear aligners made of plastic or nylon to help straighten teeth. These clear aligners are placed outside the upper or lower jaw, where they are worn for several weeks.

The Invisalign aligner uses an adhesive to secure it and a series of clear trays that fit into the mouth. The trays are replaced daily during treatment until all teeth have been straightened.

Both lingual braces and Invisalign are clear aligners that look like invisible ceramic brackets. Both are reversible, so you can change the alignment of your teeth as often as you want.

Lingual braces look like metal brackets on your front teeth. They move your teeth in the same direction by tightening or loosening the bands at the front of your mouth.

Invisalign aligners look like tiny plastic aligners that slide over your teeth, not unlike a retainer. They change the position of your teeth by moving them side to side or back and forth inside their gums.

See also:  Corrective Jaw Surgery (Jaw Orthognathic Surgery)

Do Lingual Braces Take Longer?

Lingual braces are designed to straighten the tooth, not to change its shape. So yes, they take longer to put in than other braces. The duration of the treatment varies depending on how many teeth you need to wear.

You may need to wear lingual braces for anywhere between six months and two years. It depends on how many teeth you want to straighten out at one time. Lingual braces are meant to be worn at all times; healing time depends mainly on your oral hygiene. Braces behind your teeth with small wires will take longer to heal than those with larger wires.

Dental professionals recommend cleaning and drying your mouth after eating and drinking, especially if using a wire-free brace.

How to Determine the Best Orthodontist Near Me?

As you scour through the internet for “best orthodontist near me.” Remember, your budget is the most critical factor in determining the best orthodontist for you. The second most important factor is how well the orthodontist understands your needs and wants.

The third important factor is how well the orthodontist understands how to help you achieve the desired results on time. Once you have determined which factors are most important to you. It will be easier to find an orthodontist that meets your needs.

Aftercare for Lingual Braces

Aftercare for lingual braces is usually much more straightforward. Because there are no wires or brackets to adjust, you do not have to worry about taking care of them. You will probably notice that your teeth feel slightly more sensitive after the braces behind your teeth are taken off.

This is because the hard plastic surfaces covering your teeth are gone, and they are back to feeling like regular teeth again. The only thing that you should pay attention to is flossing after you take your braces behind your teeth off.

Your dentist may recommend that you use a retainer during your healing process to keep them in place. Your dentist will give instructions on how often you should floss and brush your teeth.

You may want to consider using an electric razor or Waterpik with your braces. It will help to help remove plaque and tartar buildup from around the brackets and wires of the brace.

Alternatives to Lingual Braces

Ceramic Veneers

Ceramic veneers are thin, removable, custom-made crowns. They are made of natural materials like porcelain and are typically used to cover the front portion of a tooth.


Retainers are alternatives to lingual braces. They are small plastic or metal devices that fit over a tooth or teeth and secure them in place. You may use them to help secure a partial denture or replace missing teeth.

Dental Implants

Dental implants are an excellent option for replacing missing teeth. They require an in-person consultation with a dentist to determine whether they are the best treatment for you. Dental implants can restore your smile and improve your health.

Oral Surgery

Oral surgery may be right for you if your jaw is misaligned due to an injury or medical condition. Oral surgery can fix problems like cleft lips and palates or crooked jaws caused by injury.

Where to go for Lingual Braces in Houston Texas?

At Elara Orthodontics, we offer an extensive selection of lingual braces and Invisalign options for Houston, Texas, patients. Our staff is trained in all aspects of lingual orthodontics, helping you to find the best treatment plan for your unique case.
