Woman with Braces

Understanding Different Types of Braces

Braces are the tools utilized by an orthodontist to move the teeth and create a beautiful smile for you. When people think of braces, mostly the traditional metal braces come to the picture. However, there are so many different types of braces that can be used in orthodontic treatments. Depending on your needs and your orthodontist’s recommendations, you can be a candidate for any of the following types of braces. When you visit us at Elara Orthodontics, we will discuss all the options with you as we pride ourselves in being up to date and offering all types of braces appliances.

Metal Braces

Many people would be surprised to know that braces have been around for centuries. In fact, early evidence of these devices has been documented during the BC era. Over time, these braces have changed drastically into the modern form that people are familiar with today; however, their basic design and purpose remains the same. Braces are designed in a manner that is meant to apply force to the crown of the tooth. By using a combination of both pressure and tension, the device is used to place force into the root itself. This triggers a process called bone remodeling that helps to shift the teeth into a final position that leads to a straighter smile.

metal braces


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This type of braces is very similar to metal braces but they are your go-to braces if you are looking for a beautiful rose gold slightly shiny look. At Elara Orthodontics we are one of the very few clinics that provide very nice and charming Iconix color braces. For extra glamour, you can always add colorful rubber bands on top of your rose gold braces.
For those looking for a less noticeable orthodontic treatment, clear braces might be the solution. They are tooth or clear color that easily blend in with your teeth and are hardly noticeable. Ceramic braces will move your teeth in the same way as metal braces and the only difference is the more esthetic clear color of the ceramic material as opposed to traditional braces.
Lingual braces are similar to metal braces in the shape and color but they are placed behind the teeth and so sometimes they are called as “behind the teeth” braces or “hidden” braces. Being installed behind the teeth, lingual braces will be completely invisible during orthodontic treatment. Many patients who work in front of the camera or who have jobs in the public eye choose lingual braces because it delivers the same results without anyone knowing you’re wearing braces at all!

Although, not all orthodontists possess the know-how and the experience required to treat their patients using lingual braces, however; at Elara Orthodontics we are proud to be a certified provider for the most popular and prestigious lingual braces system called “Incognito”. All the braces and wires used in this system are custom made for your teeth to give you the most enhanced comfort, and efficiency, while maintaining the esthetics of having no visible braces.

Many people will also like to style their braces to match their favorite sports teams or favorite colors using various colors of rubber bands; however, these rubber bands also serve an important purpose. These rubber bands will attach to the wings of the bracket and help to keep the wire from falling out. People should keep an eye on these bands to make sure that they remain attached to the brackets. Furthermore, don’t forget to think about the colors that will show off some personal flair.


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