A pediatric orthodontist is an orthodontist who specializes in the treatment of children. The primary focus of this type of practice has been on preventing and correcting malocclusions, or misalignments of the teeth, with an eye towards enhancing aesthetics and increasing function. In contrast to their general dental counterparts, pediatric orthodontists are unlikely to be involved in medically complicated cases such as extractions or root canals. Some Pediatric orthodontists also provide clinical training for undergraduate dentistry students at their offices, while others might offer after-hours appointments for those who cannot make it through the school day.

Pediatric braces are designed to correct alignment problems that are causing or will cause problems with a child’s ability to chew, speak, and smile. The most common malocclusion being treated is an overbite, followed by crossbite and open bite; however, pediatric braces improvements can also be made for children with rotational or lateral jaw misalignment so visit a kids orthodontics in Sugar land Texas to find out more.

Child orthodontist

While some orthodontists specialize in the treatment of children and adolescents, the majority of them can treat children as young as seven years old. You would need to have a comprehensive examination to see if your child will be suitable for the extra benefits of orthodontic treatment over that of any other general dentist.

What does a pediatric orthodontist do?

A pediatric orthodontist focuses on correcting and preventing malocclusions that are affecting the health and well-being of children. A pediatric dentist is a kind of orthodontist that specializes in the treatment of children. Pediatric orthodontists are normally general practitioners who have additional training to specialize in the care of young kids. Most pediatric dentists will see children that are seven years old, and they normally treat other types of dental issues such as routine checkups, filling cavities, cleaning teeth, oral cancer screening, and treating chronic gum disease in kids orthodontics in Sugar land Texas.

Why go to a pediatric orthodontist?

If you have concerns about your child’s teeth and mouth, you should consider going to a specialist, such as a pediatric orthodontist. Many people who are not aware of the benefits and advantages of having a child orthodontist consultation with a pediatric orthodontist may adopt the attitude that their child needs corrective care only for their teeth. This is understandable because some dental problems may be caused by crooked or misshapen teeth that do not cause any other issues for the rest of your child’s life. These types of problems will leave your child with crooked and/or misshapen teeth; however, they can be corrected to prevent further misalignment. The main difference between a pediatric orthodontist and a general dentist is the extent to which you should consider orthodontic treatment. If you are concerned about your child’s teeth and oral health, you should consult with a child orthodontist to know what is best for your child, the benefits of braces for kids, and what braces cost for kids.

Common Child Orthodontic Problems

  • Crowding
  • Overbites
  • Increased Overjets
  • Too Much Space
  • Abnormal Eruptions
  • Open Bite


Overcrowding occurs when the maxillary arch is crowded or when some of the teeth are pushed forward. Crowding of the maxillary arch can cause problems with speech, breathing, and chewing. This may lead to a misalignment of one or more teeth, as well as making your child self-conscious about what he looks like.
A typical presentation of overcrowding would be an overbite at the back and a lateral view showing no space at all between multiple teeth. This can often be corrected by moving all the teeth equally further forward in order to be able to create more space for them.
In some cases, a maxillary arch may be overcrowded. This can happen because of a relationship between the upper and lower arches, such as having extra teeth in the upper arch and wisdom teeth.


An overbite is when your child’s smile shows too much space at the front compared to where it should be. An overbite could be caused by shifting of teeth or jaw or because of a lack of tooth development that results in an open bite that cannot close completely without causing interference with the other teeth. An overbite may result in speech difficulties and chewing problems that can be corrected using braces at www.easelbraces.com.
Overbites can be corrected by exposing more of the back teeth and shifting the upper jaw forward to close the gap between the upper and lower teeth. A typical overbite treatment also involves correcting crowding in some cases because it may be a contributing factor to an overbite.
In extreme cases, a functional orthopedic bite plate or a functional orthodontics appliance may be used for the treatment of an overbite. This is usually only done for patients who had had braces before and had problems with gagging or choking on food while wearing their normal orthodontic braces.

Increased Overjet

Overjets are defined as excess space from front to back when the upper teeth are closed on the lower jaw. It is also known as a deep bite. Overjets can cause speech impediments and may affect how your child’s teeth look. Overjets can be corrected by moving the upper or lower teeth forward or backward, depending on which is causing the problem.
The upper jaw is normally shifted forward for a better result. However, in some cases, shifting the lower jaw may be necessary to correct an overjet without creating an unnatural-looking smile.
A second option to correct an overjet is to use a functional orthopedic bite plate or a functional orthodontics appliance. Although it may not be necessary to do so, it may be used if the previous treatment with braces did not produce any improvement and/or caused gagging or choking.

Too Much Space

Space problems are when your child’s teeth touch or show too much space when they are biting together. The two most common types of spacing problems are lateral spacing and posterior spacing. Lateral spacing occurs when your child’s teeth touch outside their normal position, either at the side or front of the mouth. Posterior spacing occurs when your child’s teeth touch inside the normal position, in other words, behind the biting edge of their existing adult teeth.

Abnormal Eruption

In some cases, a child may have extra teeth emerging in an abnormal manner through their gums, such as having an extra tooth coming out of the gum or having a missing tooth that has not fallen out yet. Many times, orthodontic treatment may be necessary to correct these problems and prevent further misalignment and possible periodontal problems.

Open Bite

An open bite is a situation where your child’s teeth do not touch when they close, but instead, there will be space between them. An open bite is caused by an uneven alignment of your child’s teeth, having an extra tooth, or a missing tooth. Other causes include missing teeth, a large gap between the upper and lower jaw, and crowding in their mouth. It can be considered a small overbite at the back teeth but is normally related to an anterior open bite. Open bites are difficult to treat, and they are usually corrected with functional appliances such as functional orthopedic bite plates or functional orthodontics appliances.

Orthodontic Treatment Options

Orthodontic treatment options are numerous and depend on the type of problems your child has. Your pediatric dentist would advise you on the best treatment option to treat your child’s mouth. This can differ according to each individual case. A general dentist will usually offer only pediatric braces, while a pediatric orthodontist may offer clasps, brackets, bands, and other complex devices to correct jaw growth problems, severe overbites, or abnormal eruptions. However, this is not always the case, as can be seen with orthodontic treatment for children and adults alike. Some orthodontic treatments are listed below:

  1. Traditional Braces
  2. Clear Braces
  3. Removable Brackets
  4. Wireless Braces

Benefits of braces for kids

The main benefit of braces for kids is that they can correct significant problems that can cause speech and eating issues. When misaligned in the mouth, teeth may be too far forward or back, or they may be in the wrong position altogether. In order to help correct these types of problems, orthodontic treatment with braces is necessary. Benefits of braces for kids include:

Less Strain on Jaw Muscles

The positioning of the teeth can be extremely detrimental to a person’s jaw muscles, and over time, restoring the normal bite position can weaken these muscles. To help prevent this from happening, braces are often worn for a longer period of time than adults.

Improved Speech and Eating

A primary benefit of braces for kids is that they will help improve the speech and eating habits of an individual. Children with braces often eat better, speak more clearly, and are more attentive in class.

Healthier Teeth and Jaw Bones

Braces help correct misaligned teeth by placing them in the correct position. The muscles of the jaw and the teeth made after braces (restoration) will help maintain strong jaw bones.

Improved Oral Hygiene

Braces are easy to maintain, which allows an individual to be more aware of their oral hygiene habits.

Benefits of Visiting a Children’s Orthodontist

Benefits of Visiting a Children’s Orthodontist is a question most people would love answered. Visiting a child’s orthodontist can be an enjoyable experience for patients. Other benefits include the opportunity to see what their teeth will look like when they are fully grown and to make any adjustments as necessary. In addition, children that have received treatment from an orthodontist have improved self-confidence and self-esteem, as well as better speech, chewing, and swallowing patterns. The benefits of Visiting a Children’s Orthodontist are numerous, especially when children are happy and at ease.

Cost Of Braces in Richmond Texas

Braces will cost between $250 and $5000. The amount of orthodontic treatment time is dependent on the severity of the patient’s malocclusion but can be as long as six years. Most children require four-four or five sets of braces to completely correct their malocclusion, with the possibility of needing more if no misalignment has been corrected. Different factors affect the cost of braces in Richmond Texas. Braces cost for kids varies widely depending on the severity of their dental problem, the complexity and number of appliances used, as well as the length of treatment. It is important that you discuss this with your pediatric dentist or orthodontist to help determine the braces cost for kids and the cost of braces in Richmond Texas, generally.

Best orthodontist in Richmond Texas

Elara Orthodontics in Richmond Texas, is the best orthodontist in Richmond Texas, and has many satisfied patients. Elara Orthodontics in Richmond Texas, offers a variety of pediatric orthodontist treatment options for adults and kids for all kinds of dental problems, including children’s orthodontic care. Book consultation at Elara Orthodontics in Richmond Texas, to ask about what can be done to help you and your children look their best!

Call To Action

If you’re looking for the Best orthodontist in Richmond Texas, or kids orthodontics in Sugar land Texas, let Elara Orthodontics help you. They offer free consultations, affordable braces, and the best kids’ orthodontics in Sugar land Texas. Call today to arrange your consultation.
