When you decide to get Invisalign in Richmond or Houston Heights, you’re starting an exciting journey that will help you achieve a healthy, beautiful smile. With the help of our Houston Heights Invisalign specialist or Richmond orthodontic services, you can get the perfect treatment plan to reach your smile goals.

At Elara Orthodontics, we put your smile first. In this Invisalign maintenance guide, we’ll share tips and best practices on how to wear Invisalign and care for your trays properly. With this Invisalign patient guide, you’ll learn Invisalign best practices to keep your trays clean and your smile progress on track. We’ll also cover some Invisalign care dos and donts to maximize your Invisalign treatment success.

See also: Invisalign providers in Houston

Daily Cleaning Routine for Invisalign Care

Clear aligners need proper maintenance to stay effective and healthy. You should rinse your Invisalign trays twice a day to reduce bacteria buildup that could cause tooth decay.  Proper cleaning is fundamental in any aligner care guide. Here’s how to clean Invisalign easily:

  • Use a soft-bristled toothbrush to gently clean your trays with an Invisalign cleaning solution.
  • Rinse your trays with lukewarm water.
  • Dry them thoroughly with paper towels before putting them back into your mouth.

Cleaning Invisalign aligners is even easier with Invisalign safe cleaning solutions. The best products for Invisalign cleaning include:

  • The official Invisalign Cleaning System
  • Invisalign cleaning crystals
  • Antibacterial, fragrance-free hand soap
  • Hydrogen peroxide
  • Vinegar solution with equal parts water and white vinegar (1/2-cup each)

Ask your dentist for their recommendations, along with Invisalign care tips to help you get the greatest results. With these suggestions, you’ll be one step closer to maintaining clear aligners that leave you with a gorgeous smile. Remember, daily Invisalign care is part of essential Invisalign maintenance. Set alarms for your Invisalign cleaning routine on your phone to always make sure you give your aligners the care they need to preserve Invisalign hygiene and prevent stains, odors or bacteria buildup.

When to Avoid Cleaning Your Aligners

There is no bad time to clean your aligners, and most patients do it in the morning and evening when they brush their teeth. You should, however, only clean aligners when you can properly wash and rinse them to avoid any damage or bacteria exposure. For example, washing your Invisalign aligners in a public restroom would not be ideal. Instead, you should wait until you are in your own bathroom.

Wearing Your Aligners

The good news is that there’s nothing difficult about mastering how to wear Invisalign. Simply take the aligners out, place them over your top and/or bottom teeth, and you’re good to go. The average Invisalign wear time is 20-22 hours per day. Your orthodontist will let you know the right schedule for your teeth and alignment goals. Every patient is unique, but the gold standard is to wear Invisalign for most of the day, usually for six months to a year.

Your Richmond orthodontist will help you manage your Invisalign schedule to get the best results possible. This means changing your trays every two or three weeks and monitoring progress to make sure your teeth are moving into the desired position.

Managing Wear Time: Tips for Consistent Use

Consider setting a reminder on your phone or sticking a Post-It note to your mirror, so you always remember to put your trays in. It can take some adjustment to get used to wearing Invisalign, but the aligners eventually become a part of your daily routine.

Handling Common Issues

Tightness and discomfort are normal experiences in the beginning. If your clear aligners do not begin to feel better within 72 hours, contact your orthodontist. They will address any Invisalign fit issues when you first receive your aligners. When it comes to getting the Invisalign best results, you want to make sure that the trays fit snugly. This helps the aligners do their job of shifting your teeth into the best position.

Eating and Drinking With Invisalign

There are no food or drink restrictions with Invisalign, but you shouldn’t eat or drink anything but water while wearing aligners. This could cause liquid to get stuck between your teeth and the trays, or stain your aligners.

Invisalign and food aren’t ideal together because food can get stuck between the aligners or stain them. They can also make it harder to chew properly since they fully cover your teeth. When it comes to oral hygiene with Invisalign, you should brush and floss as usual while also cleaning your aligners daily. If you’re wondering how to maintain clear aligners, the secret lies in avoiding any dark-colored or tooth-staining liquids when they’re in your mouth. If you have to wait to eat or drink something, it’s better than damaging your aligners and making them lose the invisible quality you love.

Invisalign Drinking Tips to Prevent Stains

Patients often ask us how to maintain clear aligners, and the answer is simple: avoid eating or drinking anything when you have them in. Water is the only exception. Coffees, teas, sodas, juices and other beverages all have the potential to stain Invisalign. This would require you replacing your trays to restore their transparent appearance.

Invisalign replacement aligners are easy to get, but they do cost extra, and many patients want to avoid spending hundreds of extra dollars on treatment. Whether it’s Invisalign for adults or Invisalign for teens, we always encourage patients to look after their aligners by following our Invisalign aftercare instructions.

Keep it easy on yourself. Avoiding stains with Invisalign is as simple as taking out your aligners to drink or eat anything that isn’t water. Also, clean your aligners at least once (ideally twice) per day. This is the easiest way to keep them looking great.

Storing Your Aligners Safely: Aligner Storage Tips

Your Invisalign case storage is always there to place your trays aside if you need to eat or brush.  Your Invisalign trays come with a storage case that you can use to keep them clean when you aren’t wearing them. Remember, Invisalign results depend on your consistency, so be sure to only remove the trays when eating, brushing and flossing, and drinking anything except for water.

As part of this Invisalign user guide, we want to stress the importance of discussing any questions you have with your orthodontist, too. Here at Elara Orthodontics, we’re with you every step of the way. Asking questions gives us the chance to help you take better care of your smile, improve oral hygiene and improve your results. Patients often find it helpful to keep an Invisalign trays case in their vehicle and on their desk, so they always have one within reach.

Invisalign Travel Tips

Make sure you bring a spare Invisalign storage case if you’re traveling. It’s always a good idea to be prepared. When flying, keep your aligners and case in your carry-on rather than checked luggage to prevent unexpected losses.

What to Do if You Misplace an Aligner

Retrace your steps and remember when you last ate or drank something. You likely took your aligner out there and placed it nearby. You should also check your bedside table or bathroom, as these are common places people may take out their aligners to store them. If you cannot find a missing aligner, contact your orthodontist right away. They can order Invisalign replacement aligners to help you keep your treatment on track. To ensure the best Invisalign cost and care, get replacements ASAP. This will help you avoid losing progress and having to wear aligners for longer.

Invisalign Troubleshooting: Common Problems and Solutions

Now, we will answer some common Invisalign FAQs related to common issues patients encounter. This will help you avoid common mistakes and improve your daily Invisalign care.

What Do I Do if I Lose an Aligner?

Think of where you last had your aligners in, and check there first. Look inside your storage case or cases. Check kitchen and bathroom counters. If you cannot find your aligners, contact your orthodontist to get replacements.

What to Do if Your Aligners Don’t Fit Properly?

Managing Invisalign discomfort can also involve correcting loose clear aligners. This may happen if it has been too long since you changed trays, or if the mold of your teeth was not correct.

Fixing loose aligners involves visiting your orthodontist to have them examined. The provider may take a new scan of your mouth and order new aligners that fit better.  During Invisalign adjustment appointments, your orthodontist checks the fit of your aligners and makes sure that they are the right size and shape for your current teeth position.

When Should I Contact my Orthodontist About Invisalign?

Your orthodontist is there to support your Invisalign treatment journey. Reach out to them whenever you have questions about clear aligner care, or you require Invisalign emergency care for lost or damaged aligners.

Orthodontist’s Instructions: Why They Matter

At our practice, we aim to provide orthodontic care Richmond patients can trust. This means offering clear, personalized instructions to every patient that helps them get the Invisalign best results they’ve always dreamed of.  All Invisalign success stories include following the orthodontist’s instructions. For example, making sure to attend your Invisalign adjustment appointments will ensure treatment works and prevent damage from wearing old aligners.

Following your orthodontist’s guidelines also helps increase Invisalign patient satisfaction. By listening to their directions, you can prevent common issues with clear aligners and enjoy an easy treatment.

See also: Permanent retainer cost


This Invisalign treatment guide covers everything you need to know about wearing and protecting Invisalign aligners.  Your journey with a top-rated Houston Heights orthodontist starts here. If you’re ready to start treatment, contact us at Elara Orthodontist to discuss Invisalign Houston Heights or book to schedule your free Invisalign consultation Richmond patients recommend. You can also read our blog for more Invisalign tips and tricks!

See also: Clear Braces vs. Invisalign
