Retainer Emergencies | Elara Orthodontics

Retainer Emergencies

At Elara Orthodonticswe are committed to provide highest quality of dental care to our patients. We employ some of the nation's top doctors and dental specialists in our state of art office located on Richmond .

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Are Retainer Emergencies Preventable?

Similar to having braces, retainer emergencies can develop as well for a variety of reasons; however, like most problems in the healthcare field, emergencies can be avoided by simply preparing and caring for the device properly. Retainers have been made to preserve the work that the patient, parents, and orthodontist put in. Losing or damaging a retainer to the point that it cannot do its job can be a problem because making a new retainer can take some time. During this time, the teeth are prone to shifting back to their original position.

Avoid Retainer Emergencies

Patients can avoid many of the common problems by following the instructions that are delivered on the case of the retainer and the instructions that were delivered by the orthodontist. The number one cause for having teeth shift back is not wearing the retainer the way it was intended. If patients wear their retainer as it was intended, it will continue to feel comfortable in the mouth of the patient. In addition, clean the retainer and make sure that it is placed in the protective case. This will prevent damage to the retainer.


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Show Up for Scheduled Retainer Check-ups

It is also possible that patients may not notice that an emergency is developing with their retainer. This is the reason why retainer check appointments are important. If something is happening with the patient’s teeth, if the retainer is not fitting well, or if the retainer has been damaged, it is possible the patient may not notice this. Orthodontists have special training that can help them identify the problems that might arise with the retainer. Keep the appointments as they are scheduled to give the professionals an opportunity to evaluate the retainer.

If an Emergency Develops, Call a Professional

There are emergencies that could develop that will be obvious to both the patient and the orthodontist. Patients could lose their retainer when they are thrown out on a lunch tray. Other people could have their retainer damaged due to an accident while playing sports. Some retainers just break from wear and tear. If any of these problems develop, it is important to get a new retainer made as quickly as possible. This will prevent the teeth from shifting out of place. Contact the professional as soon as an emergency develops so that problem can be addressed.

Emergencies are Always Possible

While nobody plans for an emergency to develop with their retainer, it is important for patients and their parents to be prepared and know what to do if an emergency does develop. Preventing emergencies is the key to handling them and is always less stressful than dealing with a retainer that has been lost or damaged. Patients who are looking for more information regarding what to do in the event of retainer emergencies should contact an orthodontist today to schedule an appointment. Preparation is the best way to deal with emergencies.


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